Utah Night Photography Classes and Workshops

Dark Sky Utah helps photographers of all skill levels learn and master night photography. Utah is the perfect place for night photography because there are good locations within an hour of the Salt Lake area and amazing locations within a few hours.


Your Nightscape Photography Teacher and Mentor

Carly Stocks has been photographing landscapes and the night sky for the last eight years. She has spent hours under the stars learning the latest techniques to get the best pictures. In addition to being an amazing photographer, she is also a talented teacher. Her passion for photographing the stars comes from seven years of teaching high school physics, where she taught young students about the mysteries of the universe.

Night Photography Workshop Topics


Learn about everything you will need to shoot pictures at night. Carly will also review the equipment you have and give suggestion about how you can optimize shooting with what you already have.


Learn what it takes to choose the perfect location for taking pictures at night. This will include finding spots that are dark enough while having interesting foregrounds that will make for an interesting photo.



Learn everything you need to know about choosing and shooting the perfect foreground picture. This includes when and how to shoot pictures

Tripod and Camera


Learn from hands-on training about how to setup your equipment so you can have a successful shoot. This includes working with tripods, weights and shot angles.



Learn about setting up your camera for optimal success. This includes testing and using the proper exposure times to get the best results.

Big Dipper Stars

Star Tracking

Learn about the different types of star trackers and the additional equipment you need to make your shots more successful. Also learn how to properly setup and operate a star tracker.


Light Painting

Learn how to use artificial light to create masterful effects in your night photography. This includes making purposeful designs as well as using light to illuminate your foregrounds.



Learn everything you need to know to properly process your images into true works of art. This includes tutoring with Photoshop, Lightroom and other softwares.

Our Favorite Utah Locations for Night Photography

We love exploring all areas of Utah, but sometimes it can be tricky to find an area that is dark enough to get good night pictures without the light pollution getting in the way. Luckily, there are a lot of great locations to shoot that are relatively close to urban areas and many others that are within a day drive. In fact, Utah has some of the darkest areas in the continental US. A few of our favorite local areas include:


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